Degree Exhibition Concept


“Each material has its specific characteristics which we must understand if we want to use it. This is no less true of steel and concrete.” – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

This concept was designed for the end-of-year exhibition at MCAST Art and Design Institute. My team and I wanted to create something simple yet outstanding; as Mies van der Rohe always said, “Less is More”. While designing, we also had to keep in mind that this exhibition design had to be built by our class and in a few weeks. The idea was to create triangular cubicles with scaffolding to display the products created during the year. The cubicles would be connected to each other with fabric strips. The materials proposed for this design are metal rods (used for scaffolding) and carpets which both were going to be sponsored, fabric mainly Calico, paper, and wood for the plinths.