Skeleton Chair

- in collaboration with Domestica Ltd -


Reuse – Reduce – Recycle! It’s the rule one must consider when designing a product. Where do materials come from? What will happen to the product once it has served its purpose?

This was the concept I had to keep in mind while designing this chair. The company’s idea was to reuse the wood that was going to be thrown away from their factory in order to limit their waste. And what better way than to produce a multi-functional comfortable lounge chair in which one can work on their laptop or just read a book. The main function was to make the lounge chair easy to carry, as one could move it to change the environment. This multi-functional lounge chair is also easy to store; when closed, it could be used as a coffee table or a small library to stack books and magazines. After the lounge chair has served its purpose, it can easily be used as a wall bookshelf by removing its hinges and mounting it on the wall. This will not only serve as a great after-life but will provide a unique wall feature.